Chapter 5
Client components

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5.1 Client Model

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Figure 5.1: A class diagram for the Scout’s client model.

5.2 Splash Screen

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5.3 Login Box

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5.4 Client Session

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5.5 Desktop

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5.5.1 Info Dialog

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5.5.2 Toolbar

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5.5.3 Status Line

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5.6 Menus

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5.7 Outlines

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5.8 Tools

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5.9 Forms

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* form validation

5.10 Form Fields

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Every Scout form contains one or several form fields. Form fields therefor represent the basic building blocks of a forms content. Depending on their nature, form fields can display information, accept user input or act as container holding inner form fields. As such container fields can hold inner container fields it is possible to create forms that meet compolex requirements.

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5.10.1 Common Aspects

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* model component * ui component * extension point registration

* model * label * value * exec methods * field validation

5.11 Trees

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* tree nodes * tree form * tree field

5.12 Pages

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* page with table * page with nodes

5.13 Search Forms

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5.14 Tables

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* context menues * editable tables * column types

5.14.1 Image Columns

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5.14.2 HTML inside Table Cells

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5.14.3 Table Status Bar

nees text

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5.14.4 Injecting Columns at Runtime

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5.15 Workflows and Wizards

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