
These pages document Eclipse Scout.

Here you will find all Scout 24.2 related documentation, from getting started to architecture details to release upgrades.

If you are interested in the documentation of another Scout version, use the version selector on the bottom left of this page. For older versions, please see Archived Versions.

Get Started

Read the Get Started Guide first to learn the difference between Scout Classic and Scout JS. This will help you to decide whether you should do the Scout Classic or Scout JS tutorials.

Scout Classic Tutorials

Scout JS Tutorials

Deepen Your Knowledge

If you want to get serious about Scout, you should definitely have a look at the following documents.

  • Technical Guide
    Documents best practices and architecture details.

  • Scout SDK
    Describes the functionality of the Scout plugins for various IDEs.

  • How-Tos
    Contains various small technical guides to very specific Scout subjects.

Upgrade Your Version

Please read the following documents when doing a Scout release upgrade.

The Release Notes describe the new features of the release. The Migration Guide explains how to migrate your code for a proper upgrade.

Archived Versions

Scout is a mature framework and since we release at least one major version once a year, there are quite a few versions out there.

This documentation describes Version 22 and newer. Older Scout Versions are not part of this documentation platform and have been archived. You’ll find them under the following links:

Version 11


Version 10


Version 9


Version 8


Version 7


Version 6


Version 5.2


Version 5


Version 4


Version 3.9
