Eclipse Scout Release Notes

About This Release

The latest version of this release is: 25.1.0-beta.2.

You can see the detailed change log on GitHub.

Coming from an older Scout version? Check out the Migration Guide for instructions on how to obtain the new version and upgrade existing applications.

The here described functionality has not yet been released and is part of an upcoming release.

Demo Applications

The demo applications for this version can be found on the features/version/25.1.0-beta.2 branch of our docs repository on GitHub.

If you just want to play around with them without looking at the source code, you can always use the deployed versions:

New Build & Runtime Requirements

Scout 25.1 requires at least the following:

  • Build and runtime of Scout 25.1 require Java 21 (Java 17 support has been dropped).

  • Furthermore, the build requires

    • Maven >= 3.9.9

    • Node: >= 22.13.0

    • Pnpm: >= 9.15.4

Simplified UiCallback

The API to call TypeScript code from the Java client code has been simplified and streamlined. See the UI Callback technical guide for more details.

REST MetaResource version endpoint: IApiVersion removed, new support for build date provider

The IApiVersion interface which was references by MetaResource operation /version was removed. The API version was never used (e.g. increased) and did not provide any value. The MetaResource operation /version still provides info about application name and version.

Additionally, a new IModuleBuildDateProvider was introduced, which allows an application to provide its own build date which is then returned as part of the MetaResource endpoint /version.

The MetaResource endpoint /version (e.g. https://<server-url>/api/meta/version?verbose=true) returns:

"_type": "suite.MetaVersionInfo",
"applicationName": "My Application",
"applicationVersion": "1.2.34",
"buildDate": "2024-11-20 16:01:32.000"

Change keystroke for search and reset button

Changed the shortcut keys for search and reset to a more common key combination.

Function Old keystroke New keystroke

Open search in a table page



Reset button (Reset search form)



ListBox: New Default for MultiSelect

The default for the multiSelect property has been changed from false to true. If it is true, the user can select all rows at once and check or uncheck them. Also, when creating a list box with Scout JS, the default is already true, so this makes it more consistent.


The LookupColumn is a multivalued lookup call column. If editable it opens a popup containing a LookupBox in order to select multiple values. The column supports lookup calls and code types and has a distinct property to enforce that the same value is not selected in more than one row.

lookup column salutation
Figure 1. The LookupColumn with distinct set to true
lookup column world
Figure 2. The LookupColumn with a hierarchical lookup call

Removed deprecated code

The following code has been marked as deprecated for removal in previous releases and was now removed:

  • (Java) ActionUtility → use MenuUtility instead

  • (TS) Page#pageForTableRow → use TableRow#page instead

Use scout properties for selenium test module configuration

Configuration for selenium test setup is now done through scout properties instead of system properties. Refer to the migration guide for more details.