Eclipse Scout Release Notes

About This Release

The latest version of this release is: 25.1.0-beta.5.

You can see the detailed change log on GitHub.

Coming from an older Scout version? Check out the Migration Guide for instructions on how to obtain the new version and upgrade existing applications.

The here described functionality has not yet been released and is part of an upcoming release.

Behavior Change of Scout JS Utilities objects.valueCopy, objects.equals And objects.equalsRecursive

In order to support the new class-based Data Objects, these functions had to be improved as follows:

  • Date: is compared by its value (rather than the reference === as before) and copied by value (new instance is created).

  • Map: is deeply compared by its content (rather than the reference === as before) and deeply copied.

  • Set: is deeply compared by its content (rather than the reference === as before) and deeply copied.

  • The function objects.valueCopy uses the function clone if existing to create deep clones (except for Widgets).

  • The function objects.equalsRecursive uses the same equals logic as objects.equals which includes equality for empty arrays and the use of the equals functions of the objects, if available.