
I  Getting Started
1 Introduction
 1.1 What is Scout?
  1.1.1 End User Perspective
  1.1.2 Management Perspective
  1.1.3 Developer Perspective
 1.2 Why should I choose Scout?
  1.2.1 Get up to speed in days
  1.2.2 Run your apps on web, desktop and mobile
  1.2.3 Scout is production ready
  1.2.4 Protect your investment
 1.3 What should I read?
  1.3.1 I know some Java
  1.3.2 I know tons of both Java and Eclipse
  1.3.3 I am a manager
2 ”Hello World” Tutorial
 2.1 Installation and Setup
 2.2 Create a new Project
 2.3 Run the Initial Application
 2.4 The User Interface Part
 2.5 The Server Part
 2.6 Add the Rayo Look and Feel
 2.7 Exporting the Application
 2.8 Deploying to Tomcat
3 ”Hello World” Background
 3.1 Create a new Project
 3.2 Walking through the Initial Application
  3.2.1 Desktop
  3.2.2 Form
  3.2.3 Form Handler
  3.2.4 Form Services and Form Data Objects
 3.3 Run the Initial Application
  3.3.1 The Launcher Boxes
  3.3.2 Eclipse Product Files
  3.3.3 Eclipse Configuration Files
  3.3.4 Scout Desktop Client Applications
  3.3.5 Scout Web, Tablet and Mobile Clients
 3.4 The User Interface Part
 3.5 The Server Part
  3.5.1 Scout Services
  3.5.2 Scout Proxy Services
 3.6 Add the Rayo Look and Feel
 3.7 Exporting the Application
 3.8 Deploying to Tomcat
4 Scout Tooling
 4.1 The Eclipse IDE
 4.2 The Scout SDK
 4.3 The Scout Explorer
 4.4 The Scout Object Properties
 4.5 Scout SDK Wizards
  4.5.1 Creating a new Scout Project
  4.5.2 Exporting a Scout Project
  4.5.3 Creating new Form Fields
  4.5.4 The NLS Editor
5 A Larger Example
 5.1 The ”My Contacts” Application
 5.2 Setting up the new Scout project
 5.3 Adding the Person Page
 5.4 Adding the Company Page
 5.5 Installing the Database
  5.5.1 Setting up the Database Schema
  5.5.2 Scout Logging
 5.6 Fetching Data from the Database
 5.7 Creating the Person Form
  5.7.1 Creating the Form Layout with From Fields
  5.7.2 A simple Form to edit the Picture URL
  5.7.3 Linking the Person Form to the Person Page
  5.7.4 Adding the Company Smartfield
  5.7.5 Adding the Map Form
 5.8 Managing Person Data on the Server Side
 5.9 Creating the Company Form
 5.10 Adding the Scribe Library to the Application
 5.11 Integrating LinkedIn Access with Scribe
 5.12 Fetching Contacts from LinkedIn
II  Appendices
A Licence and Copyright
 A.1 Licence Summary
 A.2 Contributing Individuals
 A.3 Full Licence Text
B Scout Installation
 B.1 Overview
 B.2 Download and Install a JDK
  B.2.1 Windows
 B.3 Download and Install Scout
  B.3.1 Windows
 B.4 Add Scout to your Eclipse Installation
 B.5 Verifying the Installation
C Apache Tomcat Installation
 C.1 Windows Installation
 C.2 Directories and Files
 C.3 The Tomcat Manager Application