
This document is referring to a past Scout release. Please click here for the recent version.

A page is a node in an Outline.

In addition to the basic tree node attributes like text, iconId or expanded, it also has a detail content that is displayed in the bench of the desktop.

The content can either be a table or a form that will be shown when the page is selected.

There are two types of pages:

  1. Page with table

  2. Page with nodes

Page with Table

The purpose of a page with table is to show tabular data when the page is selected.

Each row of the table can be linked to a sub-page so that double-clicking a row will select that sub-page.

Scout JS Examples

  • There is a How-To that helps to create a Page with Table in Scout JS which loads its data from a REST service.

  • A working example can also be created using the Scout JS Sample Application. The easiest way to create such an application is to use the new project wizards provided by the Scout plugin for IntelliJ or Eclipse and then selecting TypeScript as the language for the user interface. The created PersonTablePage.ts can be used as a starting point.

  • There is a sample implementation in the JS Widgets Application. The code can be found here.

Page with Nodes

A page with nodes is mostly either used as a folder that contains sub-pages. Or it is used to display detailed information about a specific table row of a page with table using a detail form.