Eclipse Scout Migration Guide

This document is referring to a past Scout release. Please click here for the recent version.

About This Document

This document describes all relevant changes from Eclipse Scout 22.0 to Eclipse Scout 23.1. If existing code has to be migrated, instructions are provided here.

Obtaining the Latest Version

Scout Runtime for Java

Scout Runtime artifacts for Java are distributed using Maven Central:

Usage example in the parent POM of your Scout application:


Scout Runtime for JavaScript

Scout Runtime artifacts for JavaScript are distributed using npm:

Usage example in your package.json:

  "name": "my-module",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@eclipse-scout/cli": "23.1.19",
    "@eclipse-scout/releng": "^22.0.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "@eclipse-scout/core": "23.1.19",
    "jquery": "3.6.0"

The pre-built Scout JavaScript assets are also available using a CDN (e.g. to be directly included in a html document):

IDE Tooling (Scout SDK)

Scout officially supports IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse for Scout Developers.

IntelliJ IDEA

You can download the Scout plugin for IntelliJ IDEA from the JetBrains Plugin Repository or you can use the plugins client built into IntelliJ IDEA. Please refer to the IntelliJ Help on how to install and manage plugins.


You can download the complete Eclipse IDE with Scout SDK included here:
Eclipse for Scout Developers

To install the Scout SDK into your existing Eclipse IDE, use this P2 update site:

New 3rd Party requirements

Scout 23.1 requires at least Node 18.12.1. Older versions will not work. A new version can be obtained from the Node download page.

Scout now requires at least pnpm 7.16.0. You can install it as described on the pnpm installation page.

To update your application the following steps might be required:

  • Update the version of the maven_rt_plugin_config-master in your pom.xml files to the newest 23.1.x release. See Maven central for a list of versions available.

  • Update the Scout versions (package.json and pom.xml) as shown in Obtaining the Latest Version.

  • If you are using Eclipse and web-service providers, update the .factorypath files as shown in JAX-WS Appendix.

  • The support for the Maven build plugin org.kuali.maven.plugins:properties-maven-plugin has been replaced with org.codehaus.mojo:properties-maven-plugin. Update the groupId accordingly. Please consult the plugin documentation for the old and the new plugin for instruction on how to migrate the plugin configuration.

  • The dependency to org.jboss:jandex has been renamed to io.smallrye:jandex and the corresponding build plugin from org.jboss.jandex:jandex-maven-plugin to io.smallrye:jandex-maven-plugin. In case one of these artifacts is used in your code, update the groupId accordingly.

Update of other 3rd Party JavaScript libraries

Perform the following migration in all your package.json files:

  • If you specify the minimum engines versions, please update them as follows:

      "engines": {
        "node": ">=18.12.1",
        "npm": ">=9.1.1",
        "pnpm": ">=7.16.0"
  • Update the following dependencies (if existing in your application):

    "jasmine-core": "4.5.0"
    "karma": "6.4.1"
    "eslint": "8.27.0"
  • Remove the following dependencies:


Replace the content of your .eslintrc.js with the following:

module.exports = {
  extends: '@eclipse-scout'


In all your index.js files, replace the last line as follows:

Listing 1. From
window.yourNamespace = Object.assign(window.yourNamespace || {}, self);
Listing 2. To
ObjectFactory.get().registerNamespace('yourNamespace', self);

See the JsDoc of the registerNamespace method if you are curious what it does.

ObjectType as Class Reference (Scout JS)

As described in the Eclipse Scout Release Notes, it is now possible to use class references for the objectType. Even though the string based style still works and a migration is not necessary, the class reference style is the preferred way for the future.

We highly recommend you migrate your code, so you can benefit of the improved type safety and code completion.

To do so, you can use the Scout migration tool, which migrates the strings and also tries to add the required imports automatically. Alternatively, you can do it by yourself using your IDE and Find/Replace.

To use the migration tool, follow the steps described here: @eclipse-scout/migrate

Alternative Way to Migrate ObjectType

If the above script somehow does not work for you, you can do the migration by yourself as follows:

  1. Find and replace all occurrences of scout.create(), objectType:, lookupCall: and logicalGrid: (use Ctrl-Shift-R in IntelliJ and enable Regex).

    Find: scout.create\('(.*\.)?(.*)'
    Replace: scout.create\($2
    Find: objectType: '(.*\.)?(.*)'
    Replace: objectType: $2
    Find: lookupCall: '(.*\.)?(.*)'
    Replace: lookupCall: $2
    Find: logicalGrid: '(.*\.)?(.*)'
    Replace: logicalGrid: $2

    The regex considers objectTypes with and without namespace.

  2. Add imports
    Now we need to add the required imports. You can either manually add them, but with a lot of files it is a tedious task. Unfortunately, IntelliJ does not provide a possibility to automatically add all missing imports. But there is a trick: resolve multiple inspections at once using code analysis.

    1. Start the action Run inspection by name and select the inspection Unresolved JavaScript variable.

      unresolved variable inspection
      Figure 1. Start Action
      unresolved variable inspection 1
      Figure 2. Select inspection
    2. Select Uncommitted files and disable all inspection options, because the inspection is not limited to missing imports. Click OK to run the analysis.

      unresolved variable inspection 2
      Figure 3. Run Action
    3. In the result view, select one or more problems and click the button Missing import statement.

      Note: Sometimes Missing import statement is located in a drop down called Apply quick fixes to all the problems.

      Note: Even though we disabled all inspection options, there may still be problems other than Missing import statement. If that is the case, resolving multiple problems is not possible unless you unselect these problems including theirs parent node.

      unresolved variable inspection 3
      Figure 4. Resolve problems
      unresolved variable inspection 3a
      Figure 5. Button in drop down
    4. Finally, you need to verify, whether the imports are correct. Please make sure all imports are present for every object type and the classes are imported from a module and not a single file.

      Listing 3. Good import
      import {Button, GroupBox} from '@eclipse-scout/core';
      Listing 4. Bad import
      import Button from '@eclipse-scout/core/src/form/fields/button/Button.js';

Since there are now constants for menu types, you can replace the string literals and use these constants.

The migration can be done automatically using the migration tool. If you already used it to migrate the object type (ObjectType as Class Reference (Scout JS)), the menu types have probably already been migrated. Otherwise, follow the instructions described here: @eclipse-scout/migrate

Scout JS API Changes

Along with the TypeScript migration, we had to adjust the API a little and removed some obsolete code. Please check if your JavaScript uses the mentioned methods and adjust it accordingly.

Rename WidgetTooltip.widget

The widget property of WidgetTooltip has been renamed to content. Together with the property itself the corresponding setter has been renamed from setWidget to setContent.

Rename WidgetPopup.widget (Scout JS & Scout Classic)

The widget property on WidgetPopup classes (and all its subclasses) has been renamed to content:

  1. Scout JS

    1. Update the widget property in all JS models creating WidgetPopups from widget to content.

    2. Rename the _renderWidget method on subclasses of WidgetPopup to _renderContent.

    3. setWidget on WidgetPopups has been renamed to setContent.

  2. Scout Classic

    1. IWidgetPopup#PROP_WIDGET has been renamed to IWidgetPopup#PROP_CONTENT.

    2. IWidgetPopup#getWidget has been renamed to IWidgetPopup#getContent.

    3. AbstractWidgetPopup#getConfiguredWidget as been renamed to AbstractWidgetPopup#getConfiguredContent.

    4. AbstractWidgetPopup#createWidget as been renamed to AbstractWidgetPopup#createContent.

    5. AbstractWidgetPopup#setWidget as been renamed to AbstractWidgetPopup#setContent.

Rename ProposalChooser.model

The model property on ProposalChooser class (and all its subclasses) has been renamed to content:

  1. Scout JS

    1. Rename the _createModel method on subclasses of ProposalChooser to _createContent.

    2. Rename the _renderModel method on subclasses of ProposalChooser to _renderContent.

Options-parameter for filter-methods in menus.js

The methods filter and filterAccordingToSelection in menus.js now have an options-parameter. This parameter combines the former parameters onlyVisible, enableDisableKeyStrokes and notAllowedTypes. The following are two migration examples:

Listing 5. Old
let allowedTypes = ['Example.MenuType'],
  onlyVisible = true,
  enableDisableKeyStrokes = false;

// example 1
menus.filter(this.menus, allowedTypes, true, false);

// example 2
menus.filter(this.menus, allowedTypes, onlyVisible, enableDisableKeyStrokes);
Listing 6. New
let allowedTypes = ['Example.MenuType'],
  onlyVisible = true,
  enableDisableKeyStrokes = false;

// example 1
menus.filter(this.menus, allowedTypes, {
  onlyVisible: true,
  enableDisableKeyStrokes: false

// example 2
menus.filter(this.menus, allowedTypes, {onlyVisible, enableDisableKeyStrokes});


The following functions have been removed because they are not in use anymore.

  • removeThis

  • suppressEventIfDisabled

  • colorOpacity

  • copyCssIfGreater

  • backupSelection

  • restoreSelection

  • onSingleOrDoubleClick

The following functions have been renamed

  1. widthToContent → cssWidthToContentAnimated


TableFilter.js has been removed because it has no benefits.

With TypeScript, the interface Filter<TableRow> should be used instead. With JavaScript, extends from TableFilter can be removed.

Testing / karma-jasmine-scout

The following functions have been removed because they are not in use anymore.

  • createAdapterModel

  • stripCommentsFromJson

  • definedProperty

  • sameProperty

  • JQuery.triggerMouseMove

  • JQuery.triggerWithPosition

The following functions have been renamed.

  • widgetCloneProperty → toHaveClonedWidgetProperty

The jquery-plugin jqueryExtensions has been refactored to a ES6 module to avoid pollution (of code completion) of the JQuery object outside test environment. In the rare case you used these functions for testing, you need to import them now, the JQuery-object does not contain them anymore.

Various Clean Up

The following model properties have been removed because they are not in use.

  • WidgetModel.loadJsonModel

  • TooltipSupportOptions.$parent

JS Build Improvements


Scout JS files cannot be imported directly anymore and need to be imported from the scout module. You are probably using the correct import style already, since file based import was bad practise anyway. In case there are file based imports, just adjust them as follows:

Listing 7. Old
import Table from '@eclipse-scout/core/src/table/Table'
Listing 8. New
import {Table} from '@eclipse-scout/core'

The following modules are affected:

  • @eclipse-scout/core/src → @eclipse-scout/core

  • @eclipse-scout/core/src/testing → @eclipse-scout/core/testing

This applies only to imports of js files. Imports to less files should stay untouched (for now).

JavaScript Library Build

If code is written with TypeScript, it needs to be transpiled to JavaScript before it can be used. Because this task takes some time, it should not be done by the project using a TypeScript library but by the library itself. This is true for Scout as well. Therefore, Scout 23.1 is shipped with prebuilt JavaScript code.

If you are a library developer, you must do the same. To do so, you can use the support provided by Scout’s build tooling as described here: Authoring Libraries.

IId types, IdFactory and IdExternalFormatter

Up to release 2022 the support for typed identifiers (IId) was limited to root ids wrapping one specific Java identifier. The support was extended to include composite ids wrapping multiple java identifiers. As part of this new feature a refactoring of the existing id classes was done which may require some migration steps:

  • IId was typed with a generic parameter <WRAPPED_TYPE> which was removed and moved to AbstractRootId. If you need this generic parameter, change your code to use AbstractRootId instead of IId or consider removing the generic parameter at interface-level in your code as well.

  • IId up to release 2022 were limited to wrap a single value. If your code rely on a single wrapped value, replace IId by IRootId and AbstractId by AbstractRootId. If you don’t change your code type and use IId you implicitly add support for composite types in your APIs.

  • Some factory methods for building ids and serialization where moved between classes and/or renamed (the serialized string representation is identical):

    • IdExternalFormatter.getTypeName()IdInventory.getTypeName()

    • IdExternalFormatter.getIdClass()IdInventory.getIdClass()

    • IdExternalFormatter.toExternalForm()IdCodec.toQualified()

    • IdExternalFormatter.fromExternalForm()IdCodec.fromQualified()

    • IdExternalFormatter.fromExternalFormLenient()IdCodec.fromQualifiedLenient()

    • IId.unwrapAsString()IdCodec.toUnqualified() (Note: Unwrap as string is still available for IRootId but according to the javadoc should only be used for logging and debugging purpose)

    • IdFactory.createFromString()IdCodec.fromUnqualified()

  • Completeness test for ids was improved. Use AbstractIdStructureTest as base for id completeness tests in own maven modules.

    • Implementations of AbstractStringId are required to create a null-id instance if invoked with an empty string (e.g. use if (StringUtility.isNullOrEmpty(id)) { return null; } in your static of() method, see FixtureStringId as example)

    • The former base classes AbstractUuIdStructureTest and AbstractStringIdStructureTest were integrated and removed

Renaming of DoStructureMigration to DataObjectMigration

Because the DoStructureMigrator executes value migrations too (IDoValueMigrationHandler), several renamings were applied.


  • DoStructureMigrationContext → DataObjectMigrationContext

  • DoStructureMigrationCountingPassThroughLogger → DataObjectMigrationCountingPassThroughLogger

  • DoStructureMigrationInventory → DataObjectMigrationInventory

  • DoStructureMigrationPassThroughLogger → DataObjectMigrationPassThroughLogger

  • DoStructureMigrationStatsContextData → DataObjectMigrationStatsContextData

  • DoStructureMigrator → DataObjectMigrator

  • IDoStructureMigrationGlobalContextData → IDataObjectMigrationGlobalContextData

  • IDoStructureMigrationLocalContextData → IDataObjectMigrationLocalContextData

  • IDoStructureMigrationLogger → IDataObjectMigrationLogger

Test classes:

  • TestDoStructureMigrationInventory → TestDataObjectMigrationInventory

  • TestDoStructureMigrator → TestDataObjectMigrator


  • DataObjectMigrationInventory#getMigrationHandlers → #getStructureMigrationHandlers

  • DataObjectMigrationInventory#getDoMigrationContextValues → #getDoStructureMigrationTargetContextDatas

Removals (see deprecation warning in 22.0 for further information):

  • DoStructureMigrator#migrateDataObject(DataObjectMigrationContext, IDataObject)

  • DoStructureMigrator#migrateDataObject(DataObjectMigrationContext, IDataObject, IDataObjectMigrationLocalContextData…​)

  • DoStructureMigrator#migrateDataObject(DataObjectMigrationContext, IDataObject, NamespaceVersion, IDataObjectMigrationLocalContextData…​)

  • TestDoStructureMigrationInventory#TestDoStructureMigrationInventory(List<INamespace>, Collection<ITypeVersion>, Collection<Class<? extends IDoStructureMigrationTargetContextData>>, IDoStructureMigrationHandler…​)

Scout REST Client: Removed property

The property was removed in release 23.1. The ScoutApacheConnector implementation is the new default handler to connect the Apache HTTP client for Jersey REST calls. Remove config property…​ from all your config files.